Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Of To-do Lists and Sleeping Muses by Konnie Enos


It’s Wednesday and my turn to post.


Although I’ve been contemplating it since Sunday, I cannot come up with a single idea.

Currently, the most important thing on my list is writing this post. However, what I’m thinking about is the other things on my to-do list. Things that I absolutely can’t put off again or have to be done today. So my focus is on trying to figure out how to accomplish everything. Some of it I should have done yesterday but instead, I spent the day trying to come up with an idea for this post.

Most of the day I was scouring Facebook and websites looking for something to ignite an idea.

Not even a flash.

Next, I tried to going through my list of partially finished attempts at posts trying to see if I had enough of an idea to finish them. Which, of course, didn’t work. They are still unfinished and likely to remain so for the conceivable future.

Then I attempted to read through my past posts seeing if any of them sparked an idea. Ah, a flash, or two.

Nope. They didn’t formulate a complete idea.

After spending hours on that venture and having accomplished exactly nothing, I realize it’s the middle of the night and I’m going to have to get some sleep sometime.

As late as it was, my only coherent thought was that sleep sometimes produces ideas. It should at least energize me enough to get some ideas flowing. However, I wasn’t sure I’d wake up naturally with enough time to get my post written and online before it was due.

I don’t normally use an alarm because I generally wake up fairly early anyway. I don’t know if it’s because of the sunlight coming in my bedroom window or the fact other people (Melinda) are up and about, but the only time I sleep past seven is when I didn’t even go to bed until the early hours of the morning. (I have to read sometime.) So, wanting to make sure I was up with plenty of time to get this one task done, I set an alarm.

My last thought before I dosed off was hoping sleep would get my muse working and I’d wake up with more than a flash of an idea.

I did not.

My brain is still focused on everything I have to do.

I’m pretty sure I have at least one bill due tomorrow so I can’t put off dealing with that chore another day unless I want a late charge.

The dishes have been put off far too long and someone will have to get them done unless we want to continue washing what dishes we need every time we prepare something to eat.

But even before those tasks, I have a routine doctor’s appointment this morning. So as soon as I get something posted, I’m going to have to get breakfast, get bathed and dressed, and then hightail it clear across town to see my doctor. The tough part is it may take as much as an hour in traffic to get there. So I don’t have enough time between now and then to accomplish all of that, and it’s all vital.

So instead of focusing on writing, I’m trying to figure out how much time each task will take and when I have to get them completed so that I’m not late.

Then, of course, my stream of thought is interrupted because the pets need to be fed and Mabel is currently on daily medicine because of some health issue involving her liver. (It's antibiotics and they are doing their job. She’s already doing much better than she was. Now she has to finish the course.) So I have to stop typing long enough to make sure she takes her medicine.

Fortunately, she thinks Pill Pockets (what we use to get the dogs to eat their pills) are a treat and is always eager to gobble them up. So the most time-consuming part of the process is getting her medicine wrapped in one of the Pill Pockets.

Though I’m also interrupted by conversations with various family members about our washer springing a leak in the middle of the night.

I have not investigated this but Melinda did.

Not only did Tony stuff the machine, mostly with jeans and towels (i.e.: bulky stuff), but he didn’t take the setting off of delicate. We’re pretty sure it just didn’t spin out completely.

To test her theory she got Royce to put his load of wash in.

Yes, no leaks, and the washer seems to be working fine. Thankfully, because we cannot afford another issue.

So that is my stream of thought for the day.

Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

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