Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Of Libraries and Readers by Bonnie Le Hamilton


I have a new file on my thumb drive, one that I probably needed years ago. Its title is Book Inventory. I just started it.

In fact, I’ve only completed two bookcases, and one of those only has one shelf of books, the rest are – well, you know me – Nativities, something I have mentioned many times before, but I have at least as many books as those, far more than I thought, as in duplicates.

In fact, I started the inventory because I had gone in search of something to read and I found a copy of a book I knew I had in the other room. And a further search netted me a couple more duplicates.

Thus far, I have found a total of eight books that are duplicates. In one case, I have two duplicates of the same book! Yikes!

The thing is, I knew a while ago I could probably use an inventory because I somehow ended up with two volume 3’s and no volume 8 of a series I wanted. I have since rectified that mistake, but I clearly don’t remember which books I do and don’t have when I’m out shopping thrift stores. I just see a title and or author I like and grab it, totally forgetting I already have it.

Though what I think is worse is passing up buying a book because I think I have it, only to discover I don’t. And I think I’ve done that recently as well. Still haven’t finished the inventory, so not sure, but I don’t remember seeing that book when I was looking for something to read.

I also wish inventories could be done easier. Right now, I’m taking down the titles and authors' longhand then transferring that information to my computer. Any suggestions to make it easier? Faster?

It was bad enough that I had to have my helper get down on the floor and write down the titles and authors on the bottom shelf for me. And then I made the mistake of just writing down the series I had and didn’t list each volume. I ended up having to go back and get each volume’s title for three different series’ the other night when I was working on the inventory.

If my Harry Potter series had been on the bookcases done so far, I wouldn’t have had so many problems, but on these, I barely could name the series title, each volume title escaped me, in case I wasn’t even sure how many were in the series.

And to be honest, I did write down each title for two other series’ but those two don’t have a series title. They had all been written as stand-alone’s but well, two of those titles feature a character by the name of Kit Fielding and the rest feature the character, Sid Halley. And all by the same author except the last Sid Halley one, which was written by the author’s son. I am a fan of both Dick and Felix Francis. I think I have most of Dick’s novels and am now working on Felix’s, so I really need that list to keep track of what I already have.

This is not to say that I’m going to get rid of all my duplications, because, well, I know I have several duplications between my hardcopy and digital books.

I got my reader in the first place so I wouldn’t have to lug around my scriptures and a few other church publications every Sunday. I still have those books in hardcopy, and will keep them, but they are also on my reader.

I also have The Complete Works of Shakespeare both in hardcopy and on my reader. The hardcopy I acquired back in college for a course I took on – you guessed it – Shakespeare. I got the digital version when my book club discussed reading some of his plays, and I’ll be danged if I was going to lug that tome around!

I bought that reader to save me from having to lug books around and while I didn’t mind lugging one small book to my book club meetings, big books are another issue.

Though that brings me to a question I recently saw in Facebook asking people if they preferred hardcopy or digital books.

 The question was worded in such a way that gave me the impression the asker expected everyone to answer one or the other, and not pick both. But both have their place! I use both, and I’m as likely to add a book to my reader as to buy a hardcopy book. I like both!

How about you? Which do you prefer? Or do you use both?

Happy writing everyone!