Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Of Emergencies and Bolting out of Bed by Konnie Enos

The first thing I was cognizant of this morning was someone (Jerry) banging around in my room. Then I noticed the light, most of it was because Jerry had left several doors open and the light on in the bathroom.

Now, as is usual for me, since I was awake, I stumbled to the bathroom and turned out the light. We do have a nightlight in the bathroom which illuminates the room when there is no other source of light. However, it’s off because the sun is already peaking over the horizon.

After using the bathroom, I stumbled, still not fully awake, back to my bed. While I was doing so, Jerry saw me. “You’re up early.”

I grumbled. “I’m not awake.” Then climbed back into bed, taking the time to adjust my blanket and pillows in just the right way to allow maximum comfort for whatever remaining sleep I could get before I had to wake up for the day.

I had no intention of stirring until it was time to feed the dogs, and without checking the time, I knew it was way too early for that. The sun wasn’t that far up yet.

Then one thought bolted me completely awake.

It’s Wednesday!

I checked the time just before my Wednesday morning alarm went off.

Of course, I posted last week. We switch off every other week, so it isn’t my turn to write the post. But I’m flashing back to the phone call I got Monday night. The phone call that I didn’t do anything about all day Tuesday.

I had thought about possible solutions to the problem but I made no actual effort to do anything about it. So too early in the morning, I’m faced with a looming deadline and the only recourse I have left is to address the issue myself.

So I’m awake and again staring at my screen trying to figure out what to write for the post this morning.

Why isn’t Bonnie writing it?

She is currently dealing with a plumbing issue that requires effort on her part at about two-hour intervals to prevent her apartment from flooding. At this point all she can manage is keeping her house as dry as possible and what little sleep that effort affords her.

When she called Monday night to give me a heads up it was clear that she wasn’t fully awake. Between that and telling me all the effort she’d put into trying to get this issue fixed, I knew she wouldn’t be able to write this week’s post.

When she first rented this apartment, her landlord was easy to contact and he always responded promptly. That changed over the last few years.

She’d had issues even getting her rent check to him and I’m positive this isn’t the first repair that place needed when she could not get ahold of her landlord. I have the feeling he’s ignoring other tenants too.

Now? He hung up on Bonnie. He won’t return messages or make any effort to contact her thus leaving her to deal with the issues on her own.

This time, she’s contacted a lawyer because besides having to deal with the plumbing issue on her own, she’s now missing work. Work she needs to be able to pay rent, though I’m sure a lawyer would tell her that she is well within her rights to not pay rent to her slumlord.

I’m not sure what his endgame is. However, I’m sure he wants to sell the place but it was already run down enough before 2020 that he’d have to invest money, and time, in the building before anyone would even make an offer. Though it’d be more time-consuming and expensive to repair around the tenants.

I think his current lack of response is to get frustrated tenants to move out. Perhaps some of them have. But Bonnie has not only lived there for years but there is no other place she can afford. She’s looked.

I’m hoping she can get this taken care of enough that she’ll be able to do my post next week. I’m also praying her housing situation will improve because one of her only other options is moving in with family members. Most likely me.

The issue with this idea is we don’t have the room.

Melinda is the only one not already sharing a bedroom but that’s because I’m the only other female in the household. And since her old bedframe collapsed earlier this month, she no longer has a spare bed. Acquiring another bunkbed frame was far more expensive than the one we did buy.

All in all, I’m praying she can get things taken care of this week, and without having to move here.

Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Of Restless Nights and Loud Alarms by Konnie Enos


Okay, my muse is not awake.

I don’t have a single thought as to what I should be writing. Not on this or any of my stories. Maybe it’s because I’m tired.

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before or not, but I tend to not sleep, or at least not well enough, or long enough when my husband isn’t home. Thankfully, that doesn’t happen very often.

However, it did this week.

It started when Tony found a job working on the other side of the state last week. When he got it none of us knew how he was even going to get there. Then there was the issue of where he was going to stay. But a week ago Sunday, he managed to get a ride up there and find a place to stay.

We had not expected to see him again for a while but this weekend he returned. My first thought was he’d quit after only one week or somehow managed to get fired.

No. He just came home for the weekend.

He assured me he had a ride back. So everything should have been fine.

Well, it turns out his ride back was flaky.

He was originally told they would pick him up at five p.m. By six we were all wondering what happened though Tony was able to get ahold of them and was told they were still packing up.

By eight we were all getting pretty concerned because he had to be at work early in the morning and at that point, we figured he might have to drive straight to work without getting some rest first.

The only solution was our car, which we clearly could not let him take since we needed it. Jerry ended up loading up so he could take Tony to work. Several hours drive north of here.

I was going to have to endure a night without my husband beside me.

Then I found out that Tropical Storm (hurricane) Hilary not only made landfall but its trajectory took it right through where Tony was working at about the same time they were driving in that area to make sure he got to work.

So besides not having my husband home, I had to worry about my husband and son driving through some severe weather.

I didn’t sleep much Sunday night but I assumed Jerry would drive right back, at least after he got some rest. Which gave me something else to worry about.

Could he get enough rest sleeping in the car? Or was he able to find a motel room for the night?

The answer was technically yes and no.

By the time they got there, they could find a room but the checkout would have been Monday morning, only about four hours after they arrived. Jerry didn’t want to pay for a full night's stay only to get four hours. So he got the room for Monday night.

This of course meant that he didn’t even head home until Tuesday morning.

Somehow, even knowing they were both fine and Tony managed to get to work on time, that was worse. I think I finally managed about three hours of sleep.

When Jerry got home he was still tired and wanted to crawl in bed early.

I was all for it. After all, I’d been functioning all day on very little sleep.


Somehow I still went to bed at my normal hour and I only did so then because I knew I had to get my post this week up. Since I was tired and had no ideas for a post, I figured I’d better get some rest and hope I had an idea in the morning.

So I finally curled up next to my already snoring husband and went to sleep.

Then his alarm clock jolted pretty much everyone out of bed way too early this morning. Seriously, did you hear it? It was at like five a.m. Or maybe it was four. Way too early.

While I did have to get up earlier than normal so I’d have time to write this post, I didn’t have to be up that early. I managed to get some more rest until my alarm went off.

Then Melinda asked me about the way too loud alarm that went off in the middle of the night. That’s when we decided at least everyone in the house had to have heard it though two of that number probably hadn’t gone to bed yet since they are night owls. And here I’d thought that he’d gotten over the need for obnoxiously loud alarms to get him up in the morning.

At least it didn’t scare the beejeebies out of me like the first time he did that to me.

Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Of Headaches and Writing by Bonnie Le Hamilton


I hate blank pages. It can be hard to think about what to write, and lately, thinking hasn’t been easy. You see, I have a headache. I’ve had this headache for just over a week.

Try to do any writing when you can’t even think.

Of course, you can't edit a blank page, so I have to find the words somewhere.

Regarding writing in general, I haven’t done much more than rereading some of my older stories. It isn’t like I don’t have ideas running through my head, it's just that when faced with this screen, the ideas run away leaving me with the pain in my head.

For instance, I opened one of my unfinished manuscripts and I knew I really needed to add one detail in, and in several places rework things. I reread the whole thing and didn’t make a single change! Even when I got to the place, I knew I needed to make the most significant change, I just read it and moved on.

And when it comes to my sci-fi, well, I’m still on the first book, but my brain, when it wants to work is stuck on the second book.

Do you remember when I lamented that the twin brother of the hero in my first book wasn’t talking to me? Well, he’s talking now! I’m not ready for his POV.

And with a headache, I can’t think straight enough to work on my sci-fi anyway.

So, anyway, I haven’t gotten much done at all the last couple of weeks other than trying to get rid of this headache. My doctor prescribed me pain meds and is working on getting me a sleep study done. Looks like I need a C-PAP machine.

Man, I didn’t want to go there.

Hopefully, once I can get a decent night’s sleep again, I will be able to concentrate enough to do more than just stare at the screen.

Even now I doubt I’ll be able to get a full post done. My head hurts too much and frankly, I didn’t get enough sleep last night fretting over this post.

Anyway, I tried.

I hope all of you are doing better than I am.

Happy writing everyone.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Of Knowledge and Over Confidence by Konnie Enos

Not only am I a college-educated person, but I grew up in a household with a person we affectionately nicknamed Dictionary. This is because she loved to read the dictionary and learn new words, which she took great pleasure in teaching to us, her younger sisters. We, of course, eagerly soaked up as much of her knowledge as we could.

We became accustomed to using the big, fancy words she taught us. This is very evident in all the early drafts of Bonnie’s work. As are the long wordy sentences. I’ve had to work hard with her to tone it down because her early draft writing tends to come off as more erudite than the general population of fiction readers. (Yes, I know what erudite means, and yes, I don’t generally use such big words.)

Since this is our background, I have often come across people who do not know words I consider to be common.

As an example, when I was newly wed (over thirty years ago) I was having a conversation with Jerry, my husband, and said something evidently about either mine or my husband’s siblings. With that one word, siblings, I confused Jerry to the point he had to stop me and ask what it meant. I was flabbergasted that anyone as old as we were didn’t know that simple word.

I have since learned that there are a lot of words we consider to be everyday words that others have never heard, or at least not retained a knowledge of them. I’m sure Bonnie and I could, together, come up with multiple times in our lives we have learned someone didn’t have the same knowledge of words that we do.

Now in the same vein, I have in my lifetime learned new words, generally when said words were added to our lexicon. Such as all the words we’ve added in my lifetime because of advances in technology, such as ‘internet’.

I have, however, not encountered a new word that has been in the dictionary for longer than my lifetime since I was a teenager. So I would consider such an event noteworthy.

So, several months ago when Melinda, the youngest of my beautiful daughters, used a word I’d never heard of I was stunned. At the time, we had a brief conversation about it and its meaning which included the fact that it was in the dictionary. I did not check. I assumed she would not tease me in this manner or lie about it.

I did, however, mull it over and decided it was a much easier word to use than what it replaces. Only then did I decide to look it up. You can do so yourself on

The word in question is nibbling. It is essentially the same kind of word that sibling is. While sibling is gender neutral for bother or sister, nibbling is gender neutral for niece or nephew. When you are writing about brothers and sisters or nieces and nephews it’d be a lot easier, and less wordy, to use siblings or nibblings.

And, though the word nibblings was added to the lexicon in the last century, it is still older than Bonnie and I are. According to, it was coined by U.S. linguist Samuel E. Martin in 1951. So in our parents’ lifetime, but well before ours.

Now for something which isn’t as surprising as it should be. Tony, the oldest of my sons, was talking to me not long ago (but after I happened to look it up) and mentioned he’d seen some post on the internet somewhere (Reddit maybe) where the word nibblings was used and someone else informed them that it wasn’t a word. This person even told them to read a dictionary.

Obviously, he is the person who needs to read a dictionary.

Of course, that got me and my three children at home into an entire conversation about know-it-alls online that can’t seem to comprehend that they aren’t as smart as they think they are. Such as all the posts that are asking readers to solve simple algebraic equations and most of the responses show a clear lack of understanding of PEMDAS.

In this day and age when information is easy to locate, why are there still people who think they know it all? If you can’t be bothered to check, or double-check, your information then you probably remember less than you thought.

One thing I do know is that by stating any information with total confidence and a bit of a condescending attitude, you come off as an idiotic jerk.  Personally, I know my data bank has been corrupted with age. I don’t tend to state things with confidence unless I’ve looked it up.

Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Backups and brainstorming by Bonnie Le Hamilton


Okay, in my last post, I mentioned that I’d lost a scene I know I wrote. Well, I mentioned it to Konnie, and she asked if I’d checked our shared files. I said I had, but also mentioned that I know I wrote it and shared it with her because she had once commented on the bit about my main female character sitting on the shoulders of the main male character. 

Konnie asked me how long ago I shared it with her, but I couldn’t remember. I did however remember that I shared it via email because it was before we acquired the ability to share our changes automatically through a program she is paying for. 

So, Konnie searched through her old emails! And I have my scene restored! Not only that, but it has changes in it I’d forgotten about, so now I’m working to combine the best parts of the previous version and the current version. 

This isn’t as easy as it seems because the current version has several significant changes in it, including the names of half the men in the story which needs to be dealt with. 

And then when I am rereading the old version, I noticed I had a feature in there that I hadn’t carried over to the current version that was excellent, and I had to rework the feature of the hero’s ship into the current version and work in a short bit of scene into the current version, which required changes because it's happening at a different time than I originally had it.  

Of course, that different time is the big issue because between writing the previous version and the current version, I decided some of the things they do need to take days longer than what I had. Ergo, that excellent interaction between the hero and heroine takes place days after I originally had it happen. 

And that will continue to be an issue, as well as the fact that I added details that weren’t in the previous version. And all of that makes a difference. 

The best part is I was afraid to scan ahead in the current version to see if I lost another fantastic scene that happens later in the story. And frankly, I still haven’t checked, but in rereading the obsolete version, I found I still had that scene as well. 

This is such great news. I can’t tell you how glad I am that Konnie is my backup. But now we have to be sure we are always saving the newest version! Or well lose our changes. 

Just remember when Word tells you, you already have a file by that name, please remember to save the current version, not the older one! Then you won’t have this issue. 

I might add, Konnie and I have used each other as backup before. Once I had to send Konnie all her stories that I had stored on my flash drive because her computer or her flash drive crashed. And this isn’t the first time she happened to have the version of a story that I managed to lose somehow.

Do any of you have a friend or family member you can share your work with, so you have it stored somewhere else? 

For that matter, do any of you have a family member with which you can brainstorm?

Not too long ago, Konnie called me because she was editing her sci-fi and she realized she needed one character to have a first name, not just a title and last name. And she’d already exhausted her list of alien names. 

Hence the reason she called me. 

Yeah, my strong suits are male POVs and alien names even though most of what I write is contemporary romance.  

The thing is Konnie’s strong suits are meek and timid female characters and making up titles. She’s even better at blurbs than I am. 

I do have a couple of female characters with phobias, and Konnie had to help me get those scenes right in the way I help her with male POVs. 

On the other hand, my best blurbs are in reality her work, and most of my titles are her work as well. I have one where the title for my story came from a friend, but the story idea was his too, he just insisted I was better suited to write it. And I have another one that the title came to me along with the main character. 

As much as we work together and complement each other, it's no wonder people have wondered why we don’t collaborate on a story.

All I can say is we work better alone, except when we need help. 

Anyway, happy writing everyone!