Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Of Technology and Other Issues by Konnie Enos

 At the church the other day the teacher in our Sunday class was having some technical issues with the equipment she was trying to use as part of her lesson. For several minutes the lesson stalled and at least one class member left the room looking for someone who was elsewhere in the building to solve the problem.
Several of the women in the room (it was a woman’s meeting) made comments about getting one of the younger children to help.
I turned to the older woman beside me a told her that when I have issues with my technology (which isn’t often) I call my youngest son. I also admitted I obtained my first internet ready computer while I was pregnant with my older son. Both my boys have grown up with technology and at least my youngest daughter doesn’t remember much before surfing the web was a common everyday thing.
On the other hand, I think I was in high school the first time I saw a computer and that wasn’t to use it myself. The secretary at the school I was attending was using it.
My first computer class was when I was in college.
Today, I have my own laptop and use it every day.
So I sat in this class thinking more about how much things have changed over the last twenty years. The last forty. Then I did about the lesson.
Just think about the changes you’ve seen in just the last twenty years.
Internet ready and capable devices and World Wide Web being one of the biggest changes. Now the idea of not only flying cars, but self-driving cars isn’t so farfetched.
This technology can be a blessing and a distraction.
As a writer, I appreciate the fact I can now type a full page without having to use whiteout or eventually rip the paper out of the typewriter and start over. It’s also helpful that the program can, sometimes, help me properly spell words, something I often have difficulty with. And if I can’t find the word I want sometimes I can get the program to help me find a similar word that would work just as well.
It also helps me get things done, like managing the family’s finances.
The downside of technology is it’s a major distraction.
I fought even having a video game system in my house for years for this reason. (Yes, I am very anti-video games. Long story.)
People get lost surfing the web or on Facebook every day.
I spent the last couple of days doing little else but reading, though my files.
This is why my post is not only late, but sort.
I was distracted, by my writing.
Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

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