Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Of Homebodies, Sleeping, and Editing by Konnie Enos

I’ve found that since Covid I’ve become a homebody.

Before Covid, I was the one who usually checked the mail every day. Nowadays I just remind my family that it needs to be checked and they bring it to me.

Before Covid, I was going to the grocery store at least once a week, though usually two or three times. Nowadays, I don’t go to the store at all, and my daughter does the shopping only once a week. Of course, that’s because she plans better than I do. She writes a menu plan for the coming week and then checks all the cupboards to make sure we have enough to make all those meals. She also generally refuses to buy anything not on the list.

Of course, she also refuses to go back to the store in the middle of the week when we run out of something. Milk seems to be the one thing that doesn’t last a whole week which is perplexing to me. There are only two people in our family that drink it. I only have milk on the rare occasions I eat cereal. And my daughter can’t have dairy at all.

Also, before Covid, I would go to multiple stores each week to find the best deals for the supplies and other things we needed. I would also do that for getting gifts and gift-wrapping supplies. Walmart and Family Dollar Stores were where I went the most. Nowadays, I don’t even bother going to Walmart. If I need something my daughter can’t find on her weekly shopping trips, I’ll order it online. Either from Amazon for delivery or Walmart for pick-up.

Another thing I would do before Covid was write checks and hand-deliver them to the provider, or personally take them to be mailed. I can’t remember the last time I wrote a check. Now I pay all my bills through direct withdrawals from my account or online.

When I was confined to my room with Covid, I complained because I couldn’t see and talk to my family and had to keep my bedroom door closed. Nowadays, the door is usually open, but I still spend most of my day in bed.

Not asleep mind you. I’m generally sitting up on my computer or tablet. I spend my days doing coloring, Sudoku, and other games on apps, getting sucked into Facebook or other social media sites, reading books, doing handcrafts (admittedly rarely), dealing with our finances, or working on my writing. All of which I can do from the comfort of my bed.

Currently, the one thing that takes up the most of my time is editing two of my WIPs. My fantasy is the shorter of the two. I spent about a week working my way through it. Changing my wording here and there. Changing some of the POV. Adding a bit of detail. (I’m really bad at adding the necessary details until about the tenth draft.) The one thing I’m sure I still need to work on is the POV but I’m much closer now.

After working on that, I started on my sci-fi. It’s much longer. In fact, it’s so long I’ve broken it down into five books.

I got through the first three books just editing a few word choices and, again, adding some details. I even managed to get to the last chapter of the fourth book without much problem.

Then I hit a snag.

The fourth book currently cuts off with an incomplete chapter and at the wrong point of the story line. Fortunately, the correct point is in the fifth book, I just have to move it over. But this also means I need more scenes for the fifth book, or it’ll be a novella instead of a novel.

Knowing this, I did some brainstorming with my daughter and sister. I even was all tech savvy enough to take notes on my phone, so I have something to refer to while I’m making these changes. The thing is, some of these changes mean I have to go back to the very first book and start over.

Heavy sigh.

So, Monday I spent much of the day working on the first book but decided I needed a break and went down that famous rabbit hole known as Facebook. I got off and went to bed sometime early Tuesday morning. Yes, I shouldn’t do that.

So, yesterday I tried to concentrate on my editing, but I kept dozing off. But I finally managed to get about halfway through the next to the last chapter. I only quit because I was extra tired and still needed to do my post. I opted for sleep and doing my post this morning.

Now back to editing.

Smile. Make the day a brighter day.


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