Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Of Obstacles and Stress by Konnie Enos

These past two weeks have been interesting.

First, our internet went down. Our investigation of the cause told us we were the only house affected. (It appeared that the wires connecting our house to the provider were down.)

Cue calling to get repairs done because three of us had homework assignments due. That and what hot spots we have in the household could not handle the load necessary for even one college student.

After two days of less than a desirable response from our internet company, they have become our FORMER internet company. We know have their biggest competitor. Better customer service, much lower price, and faster speeds. Should have switched sooner.

Now the issue is our former company is refusing to cancel our still not repaired or otherwise working internet service. So I guess I’m reporting them to the Better Business Bureau. (Making it difficult/impossible to cancel service is illegal.) And I still have to get them to cancel.

New problem. After all this, I discovered I was out of one of my medicines. I have a mail-order pharmacy and I was sure I had ordered the refill. So I called.

Yes, I had ordered it but someone had incorrectly marked my last bottle as a 90 day supply (the amount I normally get) but for some reason for several months, they could only legally send me a 30 day supply. The lady I spoke to could correct the issue and get me some pills sent out ASAP, but that would still be about a week.

She kindly suggested talking to my doctor about getting an emergency supply.

Now next problem. My daughter had already been trying to get an appointment but always got their answering service and still has had no response. We assumed they’d taken a week off or something and by this time it was Friday afternoon, July 2. I was pretty sure they weren’t going to be in the office for a few more days. I’d have to wait.

What medicine am I out of?

My high blood pressure medicine.

Nobody in my family wants me to stress out trying to get our former internet provider to cancel out service while I don’t have my blood pressure under control. I haven’t even reported them to the proper authorities yet.

Then with all this going on, my kids have all expressed concern about my husband’s health and how it appears to be affecting his driving ability. None of us are suggesting he stop driving. We are suggesting he have a complete physical to see if they can determine the cause of this very recent issue.

But Jerry, being Jerry means he now refuses to do any chauffeuring. Now since Melinda has a license, this shouldn’t be an issue, but, as noted above, she has been trying to get ahold of our doctor because she has all the symptoms of her thyroid being low, again. So she hasn’t been driving for a couple of weeks due to an extreme lack of energy. That and taking multiple naps a day.

Okay, two down for the count. That leaves me as the designated driver. This meant I got to ignore my homework for four hours last Thursday so I could take Tony to his appointment, at the DMV.

(I took some reading with me so I wasn’t ignoring my homework.)

The good part is he finally passed his driver’s test and I’m no longer the designated driver.

He is, however, not sure about the situation because I’ve already taken full advantage of the opportunity.

Saturday, our normal day for our weekly shopping trip, Melinda was, as usual, exhausted. Jerry was, now par for the course, refusing to drive anywhere. (I didn’t want him doing the shopping anyway.) And I had a homework assignment due that was, well, raising my blood pressure. In the end, I finally turned it in with an obvious error because no amount of trying to find the answer helped fix the issue. But of course, when the store was opened, I was still struggling with it.

On Monday, because we’d not gotten a few things on Saturday (some of it intentional because if we’d gotten the ice cream on Saturday it’d have been gone by Monday, and I wanted ice cream to celebrate my birthday) neither Melinda nor I were up to a store run, so we sent Tony again.

He has yet to be forced to take any of his non-driving siblings to an appointment but that’s more because they haven’t had any since he got his license. He can see that one coming and is not happy.

So that’s how my last couple of weeks have gone.

How’s your life going?

Smile. Make the day a better day.


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