Nothing like crawling into bed at the end of an exhausting day
only to remember you forgot something as your head hits the pillow! And I mean
something very important, like say, a blog post?
Yeah, that big of a something.
But then yesterday, at the end of my workday, I also forgot
something equally important which I didn’t notice until I was relaxing on my
couch with my shoes off.
To begin with, I normally carry my phone and my stylus in my
right pants pocket along with my handkerchief, but at work, I’m less likely to
dump my phone and stylus on the floor reaching for the handkerchief if I put
the phone and stylus in the right front pocket of the apron I wear at work.
And yes, I do have a locker at work where I could store my
phone, except I use it to track my steps and keep track of the time during
work. It isn’t as if I leave my ringer on while I’m on the clock; I don’t.
At any rate, I forgot to switch my phone and stylus back to my
pants pocket when I left my apron in my locker, and aside from tracking steps
and keeping track of the time, my only alarm clock is my phone. Let alone that
I have no landline and life alone.
So, I had to get my shoes back on and rush back to the store
to get it.
All good, I now have my alarm for in the morning.
Then I actually went to bed, and – I forgot my post!
By that time, I was too tired to think, meaning I couldn’t
sleep in. I had to get up early!
Isn’t life grand?
On another note, I am working on writing just important
scenes of my current WIP instead of my usual habit of writing a blow-by-blow.
So far so good. And I have needed to try this for quite some time because,
well, a blow by blow isn’t exactly the best writing form. In most ways, it
gives far too much detail and not enough substance, and quite often is mostly
Though I didn’t work on it yesterday because first, my mind
is used to blow by blows, and second, it would rather run a scenario for later
in the story rather than for the spot I am at. Ergo, I am not sure what to
write next.
Yeah, writing is more about working out the story in the
mind before you put it down on paper, or type it into a computer.
But I do have what amounts to the first chapter of this new
story, and it’s a pretty good beginning if I do say so myself.
Stretching my brain to write in a different manner than I’m
used to is a good thing though. It is always good to learn and grow.
Anyway, I’m going to keep this short this week because I am
running so late.
Remember to try something new in your writing!
And happy writing everyone!