Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Of Busy Days and Laughs by Konnie Enos

 I normally wake up somewhere between six and seven in the morning, though most mornings I tend to lounge in bed for a while after I wake up, usually doing something on my tablet or Kindle. Yesterday I got right up. Still a bit sleepy, I was in the shower within 15 minutes.

When I entered the bathroom, I, of course, shut the door. But this did not stop my husband from entering the bathroom. For whatever reason when he left, he didn’t close the door while I was still in the tub and just barely starting to dry off.

Melinda came in ranting about a problem we had not once batting an eye about my current condition. The only acknowledgment of my being in the tub was asking if I had an appointment, which was obvious because I was getting out of the tub.

“Yes, one this morning and one this afternoon.”

She then asked, “And why is the door open when you’re still getting out of the shower?”

“I don’t know. Ask your dad. I shut it.” She promptly left, shutting the door, and I don’t think she ever asked Jerry about it.

I get back to my bedroom and bed where I immediately set to work finding out where it was that I had to go so I knew about how much travel time I had to plan on.

While I’m still trying to find the location Melinda comes back and asks when I’m leaving.

“I’m still trying to figure out where it is.”

I eventually found the information I needed and had barely managed to calculate the necessary travel time when she returned. “Well, are you going to help?”

“I have to leave within the hour.” I’m not dressed to go yet.

She was not happy but left the room. Then, not long before I left she came back and asked me what chores I could do.

“I don’t know. I have two appointments and don’t know how long either of them will be, so probably not until after I get back from the second one.”

She’s still not happy but says, “So dinner then.” Then storms back out of my room though I assume that means I’m making dinner.

I left for my appointment. I made it with a bit of spare time but it took long enough that when we got home I had just enough time to set up my work computer and check my emails for work. Then I had to go to my second appointment. This one was to renew my military ID so Jerry had to be there because he’s the veteran.

At one point the lady helping me asked Jerry to name his dependents. He said just me.

She asked for clarification.

Jerry and I then discussed which of our kids were still getting VA benefits, which is just Tony. In the processes we named most of them, which satisfied her. I think she was only verifying she had the correct account and that Jerry was who he said he was.

Well after the fact, after dinner, I realized she wouldn’t know who had VA benefits because she was with the military. She wanted to know who had military ID, which currently only Tony and Royce do. So now I’m slightly obsessing over the fact that neither one of us caught on to the fact she was asking about military dependents. Not VA dependents. Or even kids living at home.

Oh, well. We were still able to confirm his identity and I renewed my ID.

While we were driving to this appointment, I got two text messages about my job that I needed to respond to. One of which stated I had two emails requiring my immediate attention. So the minute I got home, the first thing I did was check my email where I find not two, but three work-related emails to respond to.

While I’m still doing that Royce comes in and asks if we can have pizza for dinner. As luck would have it, I had purchased some frozen pizzas so we could do just that without requiring Melinda to make pizzas from scratch. I said we could do that. So apparently I didn’t have to make supper after all.

While we are eating, Melinda turned to Royce and asked him to replace the fly strip in the kitchen before morning.

He looked up at the ceiling, sighed then said, “Okay.”

“You get all the high jobs because you’re the tallest one.”

Folks he stuck his tongue out at me!                      

Gave me a laugh at the end of a pretty busy day.

Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

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