Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Stress and Me by Bonnie Le Hamilton


Here I sit at my computer trying to think about something to write for my post, but the overriding problem is I have another headache, or maybe it’s still the same one. It could well be the same cause.

You see I have been getting lack of sleep headaches, and when I don’t have those, I occasionally end up with a stress-induced migraine.

Lack of sleep may well be mostly caused by my sleep apnea. I am getting retested to see if that is the problem. But well, it could also be other problems. I have been having a lot of trouble lately even getting to sleep because my legs, “aren’t comfortable.” When I mentioned it to my doctor, he said that it sounded like restless leg syndrome.

But I also have a cat who seems to think he needs to wake me up several times a night at least a couple nights a week, except that could be my snoring making him do that. All in all, I’m not sleeping well.

On top of that, I get migraines.

I have two known triggers. Certain foods, which I can easily avoid (I just miss the strawberries), and stress.

The only problem is, as hard as I try to avoid stress, or at least remain calm, I don’t always succeed. Lately, that’s been more often than not since my landlord has become a significant point of stress for me.

Now try combining those types of headaches.

Yeah, I am not having fun over here.

On top of that, my carpal tunnel is acting up in my right hand. I haven’t been able to go without my brace on that hand for a couple of weeks now which wouldn’t be a problem if I were Konnie, who can use either hand equally well. I’m a solid righty.

There are some things that I can do with both hands, you know like typing, knitting, crocheting, sewing, they do require both hands though.

And I have been trying to write, however, all I’ve done is reread some old unfinished manuscripts. I’ve fixed some typos and reworded a few things, nothing more. And I haven’t even touched my sci-fi in weeks.

I keep hoping I can get the first book of my sci-fi done before November 1st, so I can start on the second book. Maybe that’s stressing me out too. It is already September. Where has the summer gone?

My sister-in-law and I had so many plans for the summer, mainly to have regular picnics, but me ending up in the hospital again, and all the headaches I’ve been getting ruined all that. We managed one picnic in all that time.

Of course, winter hasn’t quite set in yet, though it is getting cooler out and it has started raining frequently, sure sign of a stormy fall and early winter. Though Konnie isn’t saying the same thing. The other day we were talking, and she mentioned it was still hot out down in Vegas.

I’ve also seen some predictions that say this winter is going to be harsher than last winter, which only gets me wondering how the big boss at work is feeling about that. The California-raised fellow had a rough winter, and several people in the office witnessed his spills on the ice in the parking lot, let alone all that shoveling which he had to at least do at his home.

In fact, the only ones at the office who took all that snow in stride last winter were the few of us who are homegrown or from areas that at least get snow sometimes (one coworker is from Michigan which gets more snow than here). The rest were asking when winter would end by February. We were still getting snow in April. They were moaning by then. The one from Michigan was the only one shrugging off that late snow.

I mean April! Come on! The flowers are blooming, and the robins are back! Why are we still getting snow?

And maybe I should write a story about characters used to different climates trying to get used to temperatures extremely different from what they considered normal.

Though to be honest, I have a scene already written for my sci-fi where the heroine experiences some claustrophobia being in a spaceship rather than out in the open on the planet. Her biggest complaint is the lack of a breeze, so I can see her having trouble even on the hero’s home planet because he lives in a domed city, again, no breeze, and the wildlife preserve is domed too. Yeah, she’s going to have issues living on a primarily climate-controlled planet.

Now to just get it written.

And get rid of this headache!

Anyway, happy writing everyone.

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