Showing posts with label #migraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #migraine. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Of Headaches and other Problems by Konnie Enos

Yesterday, I had every intention of coming home from work and getting started on writing this post so I didn’t have to worry about it in the morning. I did not do this. In fact, I completely forgot I had a post to write until I woke up this morning. Why? Because when I got home from work yesterday, I had a pounding, throbbing, nauseating headache. One so bad I actually got some heaves. (My stomach was empty at the time.)
In being so miserable, I wasn’t able to think well enough to remember I had a post to write. Fun.
I had such a bad headache because I got an infection in my right eyelid. I’m treating it, but it’s affecting my vision. As in with glasses, my right eye distance vision is about 20/40 rather than the 20/20 it should be. (These are new glasses.) It affects my reading vision too but not as bad. The doctor I saw Monday said my reading vision is 20/30. None of this would be a problem except, 1) I love to read, and 2) I’m now working full-time and I’m required to read, work on the computer, all day. Not to mention the blurry distance vision is straining my eyes.
This is not even taking into consideration that if I were home, I’d still be attempting to read, be on my computer, most of the day. Although if I were home, I’d be able to nap/rest as needed.
Even with all of this, I did manage a full day of work and running some errands, including a small grocery-shopping trip. (We were completely out of milk, again.) I also managed cooking dinner. By the time it was finished cooking, I was so sick I wasn’t able to eat much, but I did get it cooked.
After managing all that, my head was still throbbing but laying down in a dark room with my eyes closed sure helped ease the pain. Yes, I crashed, and I intended to sleep longer this morning even though I have a very full day ahead of me. I didn’t have to get up at five in order to be to work by seven.
I got up at five. First because my body is used to waking up at that hour. I did curl back in bed after my trip to the bathroom but then I remembered I hadn’t written this post yet.
So I’m up, straining my eyes and wondering how I’m going to get through yet another day like this. More fun.
This may be a day off from my job, but I’m still the MOM. I have errands to run, shopping to do, and bills to pay. Yes, my day off is packed full of stuff to read and do.
Now my headache is threatening to return full force, and I haven’t even had breakfast yet and I need to start those errands, the first of which requires me to drive. Now my doctor said I can see well enough to legally drive, but I know my distance vision is not grand so I don’t intend to be doing much driving today. Thankfully, there are two other licensed drivers in the house and one other person with a learner’s permit. Here’s to hoping I can mostly be the passenger.
Here’s to also hoping this continues to improve so I can go back to all the reading I so enjoy doing without straining my eyes and getting a headache. Maybe when it clears I’ll also be able to work on my writing again.
In the meantime, I hope all of you are doing well.
Smile. Make the day a brighter day.