Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Murphy's Law and Making Plans by Bonnie Le Hamilton


Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today. I’ve heard this a lot in my life and I finally figured out why it’s a good idea. You see, it isn’t about getting things done sooner, nor is it about being organized, it's about Murphy’s Law and the fact that we can’t predict the future!

I.E. it is about the best-laid plans, not only could something come up to waylay our plans, Murphy’s Law says something WILL do so.

Case in point, I could have written my post on Monday. I told myself, I would write it on Monday, but Monday is a long day, so first I was going to work on some crafts.

Yeah, you guessed it, I spent the whole day doing crafts.

Oh well, I could still write my post yesterday after work.

Yeah right.

I started working on it when my ankle started bothering me. Now I know what that irritation is, what causes it, and how to combat it. I’ve dealt with it for years now. The problem is how to deal with it is to lay down and put my feet above my heart. Can’t very well sit up and type in that position.

When I finally thought to mention something to poor Konnie about me being a bit behind, she freaked out because she was busy it and was already late.

I had to assure her I had started it, just hadn’t been able to finish it.

Such is life.

We can’t predict the future and despite my best-laid plans, I can’t predict when my edema is going to act up. For that matter, none of us can predict when a friend will drop by or call needing our help or just to visit, mothers can’t predict some emergency with one (or more) of her kids. We just don’t know what could, and probably will go wrong forcing a change in our plans when we least expect it and can’t afford it.

Though on the bright side, it does give me ideas about how I can torture my characters. Though that is what we are supposed to do. Never give your characters what they want the most! At least until the end of the story. Waylay, them. Force them in a different direction, even show them that isn’t what they really want.

Too bad I haven’t figured out that sort of stuff can happen in real life too or I wouldn’t be sitting here right now trying to write my post and not pay too close attention to the clock while still keeping in mind when my post is supposed to go up!

Yeah, life is unpredictable, but honestly, I should have factored in something like this happening since I haven’t been able to wear compression socks since that fateful day, I didn’t notice Patches near me and ended up slamming his tail in the car door.

Patches, being a cat, let me know my mistake by attacking my leg.

And me, being diabetic, well, I heal slowly. My leg became infected and while it is now on the mend, the infection dealt with, that area of my leg still chafes at just regular socks covering it.

At least now it isn’t sore and red and I don’t wince in pain when it merely brushes against something else.

Life goes on.

Though I admit I’m glad I no longer have to daily clean the area with alcohol wipes and apply a generous amount of triple antibiotic. Then again, I’m also glad I didn’t end up in the hospital, and the sores have healed. It could have been worse!

For one thing, my edema could be so bad that even with having my leg elevated all night it could still be swollen right now.

Which wouldn’t be good, because then I’d have trouble getting to work today.

Yeah, things could be a lot worse.

And at least I’m not so far behind that I’m not getting my post finished on time, unlike Konnie did last week

And she had thought she might not be able to get it done. I had told her if she couldn’t manage it by Sunday night to let me know, so I had time to write something. Guess what she forgot to do.

She didn’t even remember to contact me until the post should have already been up. Then again, she was very busy and still is, so it’s a good thing I could get something written this week.

Anyway, happy writing everyone!

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