Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Of Reminders and Befuddled Brains by Konnie Enos

Yesterday, about 4:30 in the afternoon, just after I’d finished my eighth assignment, and decided I could take a break. One thing that needed to be done was checking my emails.

I went to check my main email account and found one telling me I had something on my schedule for the next day. I stared at it for several beats trying to figure out who sent it and what it was for. I wracked my brain for anything I had to do that someone could be reminding me of.

I mean I knew I had homework to do. I’d also just finished making sure I had my list of assignments to work on tomorrow including that two of them were due and needed to be my top priority.

I then remembered I’d signed up for a zoom meeting. Since my planner was open, I glanced at prepared to turn the page from the current date.

I have a Franklin planner with daily pages so part of each day’s planner pages includes an hourly schedule. There was only one thing in this part of my planner.

The zoom meeting.

Not only that but it ended at 4:30. Please note the time this was occurring above.

I missed it.

Heavy sigh. I’d been looking forward to it too.

So then what else do I have going?

I’m flummoxed.

I turn back to this concerning email to see if I can glean any clue as to what I have to attend from it.

I see the date of this event and that it’s to me but nothing else is sinking into my brain.

Then I finally perceived who was sending me this email.

Essentially me.

It was coming from my Google Calendar.

This just confuses me more. I haven’t added anything to my Google Calendar all year and the only reminder I could remember setting up was sent the day before. It’s a weekly reminder. So it couldn’t be that.

Still perplexed about what this is referring to I go to pick up my planner but stop before I do.

My due tomorrow assignments, which I’d just finished confirming I still had to do, are always due on Wednesday. So what reminders do I have on Google Calendar for Wednesday?

Oh. Post.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I mentally note that in the morning I’ll have to post on Facebook and Instagram that our weekly blog is up. Only then did I realize that the email does say it’s a reminder to post.

Duly noted. I can remember to do that.

Now that I’m not confused I manage to remember that I have not one, but two meetings scheduled for the next evening.

The first one has been added to my schedule since April. When I started school. It’s a zoom meeting for one of my online classes.

The other is another zoom meeting though this one is for Henderson Writer’s Group. Since our election last month, I’m now on the board, and I have to attend my first official board meeting.

I can’t forget either one of those either. They are both important.

Then I remember that the next day being Wednesday also means it's garbage day for us.

So my to-do list now includes, posting in the morning on Facebook and Instagram, attending my class and the board meeting, and reminding either Jerry or Royce to take the cans out tonight.

As I think this Melinda comes in and asks Jerry to take the cans out because Royce is already asleep. Jerry reminded. Check.

Though as early as it is and since he didn’t get right up and do it, I’ll probably have to remind him before he goes to bed.

Now quite content with having remembered everything that is on my schedule for the next day, I go to continue checking my email.

Oh no! Wednesday! Post! It’s my turn!

I don’t just have to post on Facebook and Instagram, I have to write the whole post!

Okay, back to wracking my brain. This time for an idea.

All I can say for today is I managed to finish eight assignments while missing a meeting I had scheduled. Nor did I do the tasks I have to do for Henderson Writer’s Group or my family’s finances. Making two more things to add to Wednesday’s to-do list.

At least I remembered with enough time to get something written, even if it means struggling with finding a topic and then finding the words to convey it in the short expanse of a blog post.

Here’s to less bewildering days and clearer minds.

Also Happy 245 years America!

Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

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