Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Apologizes by Bonnie Le Hamilton


I would like to apologize to everyone I have ever politely asked for assistance in reaching things in a store which, due to my obvious vertical challenges, I was unable to acquire on my own.

In my defense I’d like to point out that I was entirely unaware that some delusional person witnessed your act of kindness and compassion, and in her mind that meant you were some pion who had to accede to her demands, no matter what.

I have since come across some stories on YouTube about these misguided individuals who seem to feel they have every right to whatever service or property they want and everyone else in their universe is rude to deny them, no matter how inconsiderate and condescending they are.

I’d particularly like to apologize to the gentleman who was shopping in Walmart with his significant other and I politely asked him if he would mind getting down a bag of cat food I needed for my dear Patches. At the time, I could see no other people around other than the three of us, and I greatly appreciated his kindness. I am however vexed to think to some women that the internet is calling a Karen witnessed this kindness and insisted he serve her as well.

Since my husband’s death, I have frequently found myself in a position where I can not reach something I need, and knowing it is such an imposition, I have always said, “Excuse me, but could you help me?” And when you have done so I’ve thanked you profusely for being so kind. I have no idea why any other person witnessing this exchange would decide you were some sort of slave.

It is totally beyond my comprehension.

Of course, it is totally beyond my comprehension that there are people in this world who think people working in the service industry are their personal slaves! How delusional can you get? I mean, in what universe are service industry workers mere slaves there to accede to every demand anyone else makes?

Service industry workers are human beings just as much as the next person and therefore deserve just as much respect and consideration.

However, I find whenever I politely ask such service personnel, who clearly work at the establishment I am shopping in by their accouterments with their name and or the store logo somewhere on their person, for assistance. They are always so pleasantly surprised that I would address them with respect. And even more surprised when I thank them for their assistance.

I might add that I am intelligent enough to recognize when I am addressing a fellow customer that happens to be nearby and when I am approaching someone who does work at the store.

And for the life of me, I can not understand how some people can’t tell the difference between staff uniforms and regular everyday wear of your average individual. It boggles my mind that some people are so unaware that they cannot tell the difference between a vest festooned with patches and medals and a vest adorned with the company logo.

But clearly, such a person exists because I heard a story on YouTube where a woman assaulted a handicapped man and stole his walker so her daughter who had a walking cast on could use his supposed wheelchair. And her reason for her to assume he was an employee was he was wearing a blue vest. A blue vest festooned with his medals and military patches from his service days, rather than a blue vest with the word Walmart on it!

I mean this woman was so delusional as to think that an elderly man depending on a walker to get into the store was an employee with a wheelchair that she absolutely had to have for her daughter.

In the story, I heard this woman went so far as to complain to store management about how hard it was to steer what she thought was a wheelchair since the handles were not on the back of the thing. No Duh! It’s a walker, not a wheelchair.

She also refused to believe she was guilty of assault and theft for attacking this poor man and taking his walker, his walker with his wallet in the bag under the seat.

Admittedly, she didn’t know about that little bag, but she did take the gentleman’s personal property by force. What did she expect? Oh, I forgot, she expected him to be fired from a job he didn’t have!

But at least delusional people like this make great fodder for all of us writers to entertain the rest of the world with!

Happy writing everyone!

And again, I am sorry for accidentally subjecting you to this kind of person!

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