Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Editing Woes by Bonnie Le Hamilton


Sometimes I hate editing. I’ve been working on my epic sci-fi, which is nowhere near finished, trying to at least finish the first book. My problem is while adding more detail to the story, I keep thinking of things I should have shown earlier, or other things that really should be addressed at an earlier spot, and in one case, wasn’t addressed and should have been.

Yeah, I have been doing a lot of backtracking.

At one point, last week I told Konnie I had finished my edits up through chapter fifteen and had started on chapter sixteen, which was true, at the time. I honestly thought when I said it that I was finally making headway. Well, that was last week, for the last two days I’ve been realizing there is a major plot hole in the second scene (the unaddressed issue), and that I hadn’t dealt with a couple of other matters as entirely as I had originally planned.

This means I have to go back and start from the very beginning of chapter one to find all the possible places to fix these problems!

I guess I should count myself lucky that there are no errors with my prologue which is basically a fable or myth about the “creation” of their solar system. That is in fine shape.

The story itself is great, it's just getting all the details in, and correct.

But this is why I hate editing. I do this all the time, I think I’ve got a section done and move on, then, usually right when I’m writing some other detail, I end up going, “Wait a minute!”

I’ve mentioned before the one step forward, two steps back kind of event, but at this rate, I’ll never finish the series. I’m lucky if I’ll finish the first book!

And I have this major issue with writing things out of order, for the life of me, if I write a scene out of order, I’m pretty much done with the story, I can’t seem to go back and fill the missing sections. Ergo, I can’t move to another book until this book is finished, and I mean, done editing.

Not that I can move forward that much, because as of yet, the twin brother of the hero in book one isn’t talking to me, and I kind of need his POV for most of the rest of the series because he’s vital to the conclusion.

It’s not like he isn’t mentioned already, he just doesn’t make his appearance, yet, unless you count pictures and holographs of him, or the fact that they are identical twins, and the hero has gone searching for his missing twin.

Plus, that doesn’t even get into the fact that last week I was rereading it and realized that the second scene I had happened well before the first scene I had, so in essence, the second scene with the plot hole used to be the first scene.

Okay, yeah that’s something I wrote out of order, but I have to point out that this epic sci-fi started out as a writing prompt I did for a workshop some years ago. It was the beginning of the first paragraph that used to be the first scene. When I submitted that prompt, everyone in the group really liked it and wanted more.

This was right before Nano, so instead of expanding right away, I wrote down some plot points, made a list of characters (a semblance of an outline, if you will), and waited for November first. When Nano started, I fleshed out what had been the first scene, then wrote what had been the second scene to finally bring in the hero of this part of the story.

That has to be the first time ever I’ve written anything out of sequence and still managed to keep going. I promise it usually doesn’t work like that for me, I can show you tons of partial stories with one scene written out of sequence and, even after all this time, I have been unable to fill in the blank. I have tried a time or two, but no go. I do have one where I managed to fill in a little, but not all.

And this is why I hate editing. It’s so annoying to think I’ve finished something and then to have it dawn on me that I haven’t.

Konnie certainly knows how I feel, she’s been editing too. On her epic sci-fi even. But I got her back on that when I informed her, I couldn’t find the fourth book of that series among our shared files. What I did find was a repeat of book three under the file name of book four.

Isn’t editing fun?

Happy writing everyone!

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