Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Writer's Block Part 2 by Bonnie Le Hamilton

Don’t you hate it when you look at a blank page, and draw a blank? I particularly hate it when I have lots of ideas, right up until I open Word. For the last week or so, since I’ve recovered from my concussion, I’ve  been trying to get back into writing, but all I’ve done is open up one file after and reread it, then when I get to the end of what I have, I draw a complete blank.

Blank pages are never fun to stare at, and I honestly don’t do it very long. Generally, if something doesn’t come to me in a couple of minutes, I switch to doing something else. And I’m beginning to wonder if I really should set a timer and write whatever comes to my mind. I used to do that in high school. Of course, that was in my creative writing class. While I’ve sort of tried that exercise outside of class, I’ve never set a timer to do it.

At any rate, I’m now thinking I should start doing that again, or maybe forget writing for a little longer and go read a book. Sometimes that will stimulate ideas too, except I do have ideas, I just freeze looking at a blank page, so maybe that won’t help.

Other things I know will work is taking a long walk, but I’m not about to do that for several reasons, not the least of which is that it’s sixteen degrees out.

Does anyone have any other suggestions to help relieve writer’s block? Clearly, both Konnie and I need it.

Happy writing everyone! J

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Writer’s Block by Konnie Enos

For the last week I’ve known I had to do the post today so I’ve been attempting to come up with a topic while running people hither and thither and otherwise trying to keep my household running.
Yeah, even staring at a blank page didn’t germinate any ideas.
Then this morning, when I was already out of time, driving home from dropping my boys off at school, knowing full well that both my husband and youngest daughter had things to do within the hour so I would not have time to write anything, and idea came to me.
Writer’s block.
That’s what I’m dealing with.
How do you come up with ideas to write when your life is so hectic you don’t have time to think? How do you have time to write when you spend all your daytime hours running people hither and thither or balancing checkbooks or running errands or doling out meds to family members?
And maybe that’s why I can’t come up with a germ of an idea.
I’m so busy I have no time to think.
Right now I have maybe ten more minutes to write before I have to start running people places and I still need to get breakfast. (I’ve been up for hours already.)
Anyway, I racked my brain for days and still came up with a blank page until I decided to write about writer’s block.
And now I’m out of time.
Doctor’s appointments need to be gotten too. Family members have important things to get done that require my assistance, like driving them somewhere. A few bills need dealt with. Finances need done, as always. And sleep might be nice, but I doubt I’ll get any. Too much needs done.
Anybody else have days like this?

Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Hoping For a Happy New Year Part 2 by Bonnie Le Hamilton

As Konnie stated last week, 2016 was not a good year for me. And about the only good thing, which has happened so far this year is my concussion healed, and I’m finally able to do things like read and write, but nothing else seems to be going right.

I’m still having trouble walking, and my sister-in-law is in the hospital, plus, I now have LESS to live off of thanks to the increase in insurance premiums. Some pay raise, thanks a lot Obama.

Anyway, as much as I’ve been hoping for a happy new year, it’s not starting out that way. Of course, last year started out pretty good and didn’t take a turn for the worse until June when my father-in-law died. And a lot can happen in twelve months.

Actually, once upon a time, in a mere ten months, I went from not dating at all to engaged, which is probably why I’m not laughing a certain nephew of mine, who, despite the fact he doesn’t have a girlfriend at the moment, announced he planned to get engaged this year. No one knows what tomorrow will bring.

In fact, if I recall correctly, his mother wasn’t even looking for romance when she met his father! We really don’t know when luck or love will come our way all we can do is keep our heads up and keep on living.

Though it’s that unpredictability of life that makes things really interesting.

Happy writing everyone. J