Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Of Isolation and Concentration by Konnie Enos

Being stuck in my bedroom for weeks on end is one thing.
I have my tablet, phone, and laptop. I have books. I have my handcraft supplies. Every family member, even the ones I live with, are no further away than a phone call. I can talk to my beautiful granddaughter every night if I wanted to, and see her face via video chat. When I need food or anything from the rest of the house, I have plenty of people here to get it for me.
Being stuck here means I get to do whatever I want, whenever I want to. So, I should be putting a lot of effort into writing since I have so much time on my hands.
This is not happening.
I am recovering and can breathe better now, but I still have issues with fatigue and just generally not feeling up to speed. I also can’t concentrate.
It’s so bad that I’ve noted when my writer's group meeting was and planned on attending (they’re on Zoom, so easy to do) but I never make it.
Because I completely forget about when the actual time of the meeting is generally remembering after they’re over with.
As far as writing my post. I did remember I had to write one for today, but I wasn’t feeling well yesterday and couldn’t think beyond what was going on with my body, and what I had to do help me feel better. So no typing, especially not any posts.
I’m feeling better this morning, at least at the moment, but as I’m still dealing with this virus and all the side effects (it and my medications are messing with my blood sugar levels) I’m sure I’m going to have more bad days between now and full recovery.
So, while I’m on the mend, I’m not completely better yet and I'm not getting done as much as I should be able to do considering I’m just sitting in my bed all day.
Frankly, I’ve often thought how nice it’d be to be able to just sit here all day and do exactly what I want to, mostly reading and writing. Funny how getting what you want doesn’t always work out the way you want it to.
Right now I’m thinking about all the things I could and would be doing if I could leave my room.
If you are still isolating, or like me forced to isolate, are you getting things done still, or is your concentration off the rails like mine is?
Are you stimulating your brain, learning new things, or just relaxing?
Are you, like so many others, wheedling down your to-do list? Cleaning out your storage areas, doing household repairs, or major projects you’ve just never had time for before?
Or are you like me. Sitting around doing very little and not having the energy, concentration to do more?
Here’s hoping it gets better soon.
Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

1 comment:

  1. Am glad yo did indeed finally make it to a zoom meeting. Hope you can get to more. Keep fighting the good fight in battling this pandemic. We're all pulling for you to get through and resume a normal life. Best wishes from all of us at HWG.
