Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Of Blackholes and Interrupted Habits by Konnie Enos

I am not one of those people that panics when major issues prop up, like the stove catching on fire. However, when seemingly little things happen, I will go into a complete meltdown. One of the little things is being unable to locate my brush.

Why is this?

Probably because I brush my hair every single day. Part of this is because I can feel the tangles and it irritates me. The rest is just habit. I’ve brushed my hair every day for, well, for as long as I can remember.

Why am I thinking about this?

Last Friday night I went to brush my hair as usual, but I could not see my brush.

I started searching for it.

My overbed table has slowly become full of stuff to the point there isn’t even any room for my laptop, which is the entire reason I bought the table, but that’s not the point here. I move everything around trying to see my brush, but it doesn’t appear.

Next, I empty my purse, well at least the pocket my brush would fit in. It’s not there either. I start looking through my nightstand. I even check my garbage can. (You do not know how often things fall into it that I’m not throwing away.)

No luck. And now I’m panicking.

I ask Jerry to help even knowing that he’s useless at such things. The man just glances at all the places I’ve already looked and complains about having to get down on the floor to look under our bed.

Well obviously, a child would be more helpful but it’s well after 10 p.m. at this point so I’m limited on who I can ask. Fortunately, Royce was awake. Unfortunately, he searched in the same areas as Jerry did. I know I’d be better off with Melinda searching but she’s fast asleep.

This also leads me to my other issue. There isn’t another brush in the house for me to borrow. Even if Melinda was awake, she doesn’t have a brush. She has a wide-toothed comb she uses.

So now I’m all but to the point of tears and very upset because I cannot brush my hair before going to bed. I know need to get the tangles out before I attempt to go to sleep, or I won’t be able to sleep. I’ll find myself finger combing my hair half the night and pulling a bunch of it out.

Yes, I have done this before.

At this point, I’m tired and just want to sleep, but the tangles are already starting to irritate me, and my only option is a rattail comb I have. I only use the rattail to help remove hair from my brush. This night I attempt to comb my hair to get the tangles out.

Now, my issue with combs has always been their shortcomings. The most important one being they cannot get through all the layers of my hair. This requires me to comb it in small sections. The problem with this is I’d get one section combed out, but it would re-tangle the minute I started working on another section.

So, instead of a few good strokes with my brush and being done with it, I spent about half an hour, in tears because I was tired and frustrated, trying to get the snarls out and my hair off my neck so I could be comfortable enough to sleep.

I will admit it worked, but a comb is only a temporary solution. The next day, when Melinda was available, I told her about my missing brush. But she was no more able to locate it than anyone else had been.

My only remaining solution was getting a new brush because while a comb could do the job, it couldn’t do it as efficiently as a brush. For one thing, a brush can get through all the layers in one stroke, plus they can do larger sections. On top of that, they are much better at getting all my hair contained in a ponytail, so it isn’t on my neck.

Both Melinda and Royce told me that as soon as I got a replacement, my old one would show up. Of course, everyone knows if you replace something you’ve misplaced, it’ll show back up.

I got a new brush on Monday.

Yeah! I can brush my hair again.

As to the whereabouts of my old brush? We are assuming it found the black hole, which may well be under my bed. I am not eager to take my bed apart so I can clean up all the garbage that ends up under there, just to find a brush I’ve already replaced.

Smile. Make the day a brighter day.


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