Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Of Fleeting Ideas and Memory Aids by Konnie Enos

About the time I wrote my last post I came up with an idea for this post. Every time I thought about it, I came up with a few lines to start it, but I couldn’t write them down. Since it was always clear to me what I wanted to write about, I wasn’t concerned.

So yesterday, I realized I had to get it written and I opened Word to do so.

Do you want to know what happened?

My idea had flown. I can not even remember what it was or remember the lines. So, I tried my usual tricks to stimulate my muse.

I found some headlines and stories to read hoping it would stimulate an idea. And it worked. I read one story that got me thinking but by the time I’d opened Word the idea was gone, again.

By then it was late last night. My head was pounding for lack of sleep and therefore wasn’t functioning. Yawning and fighting to keep my eyes open is not the best way to try to write. I gave in and curled up to get some sleep, knowing I’d have to wake up early to get my post written.

Now, normally when I lay down to sleep, I can crash right away. I don’t toss and turn. I was already fighting sleep so once I was comfortable, I started dozing off. I could feel my body shutting off to the point only my brain was still sluggishly working.

Do you know what happened?

An idea for my post popped into my head. When I was already so out of it that I couldn’t move. Not to mention it was past midnight and I wasn’t going to get enough sleep as it was.

Of course, that was my last thought before sleep completely overtook me and I remembered nothing more until I woke up for my nightly trip to the bathroom. As usual, just a quick trip and then back to bed but it was long enough for that idea to cross my mind.

I was tired enough to ignore it and crash again. I was back to sleep in no time and remembered nothing more until my alarm went off this morning.

Lately, when my morning alarm went off, I just turn it off and go back to sleep. For at least another hour, if not longer. This morning I had enough sense to realize I couldn’t do this.

I got up and pulled out my computer dreading looking at a blank page and not being able to remember any idea. I also knew I wasn’t fully functioning. I hadn’t gotten enough sleep.

How do I know this?

Because I still have that headache, I’m yawning, and I’m fighting to keep my eyes open long enough to type a few words.

Now I’m sure everyone has heard of ways to keep ideas fresh until you can set down to write them out. Most notably, keep a notebook and pen handy so you have something to write ideas down with when you can’t set down at your computer to write. Something I hadn’t done.

There is also the advice to keep your notebook and pen on your nightstand so you can write those ideas that come to you when you’re too asleep to move down first thing in the morning before you forget them.

Getting your computer out and immediately opening it and your word program is just as helpful at remembering ideas.

Yes, my idea was to write about how I lost one idea for a post by not writing anything down every time I thought about it over the last couple of weeks but got and kept another idea by my sleep-deprived mind’s last-second ramblings. All because this time I wrote it down as soon as I could, which in this case was first thing in the morning.

 I am not recommending sleep-deprived typing. It just makes the headache worse.

Instead, make sure you are getting enough sleep, but do consider ways to retain your ideas. The always handy notebook works if you have time to write when the ideas come. Though if you’re like me they come when you can’t write them down. Like when you’re driving or keeping food from burning. You know, urgent things, like paying bills on time.

I did think about having a voice recorder handy for these times. However, I find it awkward to talk through my ramblings when there are other people around to hear me. I do not live alone. It could work if you live alone though.

Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

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