Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Of Celebrations and Milestones by Konnie Enos

As humans, we make a habit of celebrating events and milestones in our lives, from a baby’s birth, through their first tooth and on through graduations, marriage, etc. As the years pile on, we celebrate those. Some more than others.
I’ve personally celebrated numerous events and milestones in my lifetime. Milestones like graduating high school or getting my associate’s degree in both arts and science. Events like birthdays, marriages, baptisms, and anniversaries. I even remember the momentous occasion of celebrating our nation’s 200th birthday. Thanks to when our birthday is, we also celebrated our 14th birthday that weekend.
I’ve celebrated my silver wedding anniversary with all my children around me. (This was a few years ago before any of them were married, or had boy/girlfriends.)
You can celebrate triumphs (like graduating), or remember anniversaries, some happy (marriage) and others not so much (9-11).
We celebrate and remember a number of events in our lives. People say for every day of the year someone, somewhere, is celebrating or remembering some event.
If you look at holidays, I think August is the only month of the year (in America) where there isn’t some sort of holiday unless you add in Jewish holidays. Some months have more than one.
Some people celebrate being “over the hill”. I can remember throwing such a party for our mother when she was 30. When we hit 30, they’d moved that mark to 40. With more people living longer, I expect them to eventually move it to 50.
Wedding anniversaries are always celebrated. When I was younger, people noted the first anniversary than paid little attention until they made their silver and golden anniversaries (25 and 50 years). Today radio host Delilah will sing a special ‘anniversary’ song to anyone who calls requesting a dedication for 10 or more years of marriage. You see newspaper articles about couples who’ve made 50 years of marriage. They should do one on my aunt and uncle who’ve been married at least 60 years now. (Apparently, today it’s far more common to fall short of 10 years of marriage than it is to exceed it.) My husband and I will be celebrating 30 years in November.
But by far the most common celebration for each day of the year is someone’s birthday. People produce lists, even books, about famous people “born on this day”.  Families make videos of a child’s first birthday. (I did once but I never had a camera to do so with my other children.) They do videos to celebrate learning the gender of their unborn child. Videos of multiple life events are all over social media.
Bearing in mind just how many people could have a birthday on any given day, not long ago my son told me he’d met someone born on the same day I was. I pondered that for a minute. To the best of my knowledge, I have met exactly one other person, in my entire life, who has the same day of birth that I do. Bonnie. I’ve met dozens of people born that week, either before or after my birthday, but none born on that day. All things considered a rather amazing thing.
Of course, when it comes right down to it, nobody thinks about or remembers dates/events with no meaning to them.
We remember the bicentennial because it was such a huge celebration, but we find it hard to remember exact events from all the other July 4’s we’ve celebrated. I can remember events from the Christmas I was ten, but others are harder to distinguish.
Few people old enough to remember that day can’t remember exactly what they were doing when they heard on 9-11-2001. Just like those old enough to remember JFK’s assassination or the attack on Pearl Harbor.
We etch the biggest events in our memory forever.
 We all have such days, both big and little. The monumental ones whole nations can’t forget and the little ones that only mean something to you or your family.
So today, I’m asking you to ponder tomorrow.
Does March 19 bear any significance in your life or is it just another Thursday?
Personally, I shall always remember March 19 as the day I finally became a grandmother to my beautiful, precious, and very gorgeous first grandchild. My darling Emma May Plagmann who is one year old tomorrow. Grandma love’s Emma.
Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Patches by Bonnie Le Hamilton

Sometimes writing is hard, it’s even harder when there’s someone in your life begging for attention. You have stuff you need to get done, but try telling that to a cat. All Patches knows is that he wants attention.

Have you ever tried to move around a small apartment with a cat scampering around your feet, yowling for his breakfast? Here is how that generally goes:

Patches yowling and moving in my way.

“Yeah, I know what you want, now get out of my way so I get it.”

I push Patches out of the way and open the tin where his food is. He gets in the way again. I gently move him aside with my arm, but still manage to spill a little, can’t be helped, since Patches pushed back, he wants his food now! He acts like I’m going to forget to feed him. I never forget to feed him, but some days I get the feeling he expects me to do it before my morning trip to the bathroom or getting dressed.

Breakfast isn’t the only time I have problems. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stepped on him because I couldn’t see him down there. Like this incident:

Me: walking toward the kitchen sink.


Me: jumping back and looking down. “Well stay out from under my feet!”

He scampered under the table. Well, at least he’s safe there.

But even getting up in the morning is an issue. For starters, beginning way before my alarm goes off (don’t ask me the time, I don’t sleep with my glasses on) Patches starts climbing on me and shoving his nose in my face, working hard to get my attention. The second I open my eyes he's meowing for food, and underfoot as I try to do things like empty my bladder in the intended receptacle instead of down my leg.

Thanks to him, I don’t always make it, especially the time he charged ahead of me and jumped up on the lid! I had to shoo him off so I could use the facilities.

But that is nothing to yesterday morning when I stood on the scale (as I do every morning) only to look down to find him standing on the scale too! Like that helps.

Of course, he was trying to get my attention, it was breakfast time after all. Try telling a cat that I don't feed him until after I take my vitals every morning. As far as he’s concerned, he’s hungry, it’s time for me to feed him.

And all that doesn’t count all the times I’ve had to search for my phone while the alarm was going off, because Patches knocked it off the nightstand. I just wish it didn’t happen most mornings. Dang cat.

And while some days, he doesn’t even attempt to go outside when I open the door, others he dives out the second I open it. My big complaint is the days when he dives out the door as I opened it, but by the time I had the door closed and locked, he was back wanting to go inside. Or there’s the other day where he never even attempted to go near the door as I existed, but when I returned, he dove between my feet.

Then, when I had to leave again, I stood outside and called to him. I waited a couple minutes with no response. I closed and locked the door, and suddenly he’s at my feet wanting in. This is my life.

And with how often I leave my place during the week, my door is opened a lot, but I never know when he’s going to go outside, let alone how long he’ll stay outside. Most of the time, he comes back when I return or open the door, but not always.

Anyway, living with a cat, and said cat being the only other living being around, means I spend a lot of time talking to him, but it usually seems to be on the lines of, “Get out from under my feet!”

Or like when I’m trying to write, and scenes like the above picture happen, or worse, he decides to walk across the keyboard.

I have long since started closing my laptop if I leave it even just long enough to get more water because if I don’t, I’ll have to do a ton of deleting when I get back. That is if I can get to my keyboard. 

Once he tried to take a nap on it.

Why not? He naps on the thing when it's closed.

And right now, he’s napping on the back of the couch, right behind my head.

At least he’s letting me write.

Anyway, happy writing, everyone.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

A Matter of Perception by Konnie Enos

Have you ever noticed how the vehicles you see the most on the road are the same color or same make and model of your car? If you are thinking about young children, or have them in your life, you are more likely to notice them around you. The same goes for say, handicaps, or eye color. Really, anything close to you could be a focus for what you notice in the world. Your focus affects what you perceive the most.

For example, when I drive around in my car I happened to notice a lot of white cars or Chevrolet Cruzes. Guess what my car is. I’m also seeing children under the age of one in large numbers. Do you want to guess why?
Do you want to guess why we both notice twins?
Here are some facts.
The only multiple births in our area the week we were born were the two of us. When we were in high school and the local paper wanted to do a story on twins, there were only two sets in our high school and a total of four in the two local high schools. (The one set in our high school were fraternal, boy and girl set.)
We’ve been in the newspaper an additional time because we’re at least the fifth generation straight in our mother’s family who were twins.  
One time a stranger in the park where we were holding our Great Grandfather’s family reunion thought it was a twin convention. (One, this is our father’s side of the family. Two, I wasn’t even there. Bonnie was though.) We have a family picture, taken by our father, with at least four sets of identical twins in it. Only one set is boys. Three sets were dad’s cousins. The youngest set was Bonnie and me.
The last large reunion (Great, Great Grandpa’s family) I went to I counted at least half a dozen sets in attendance and knew of at least that many more not there or not both of them were there, us included, Bonnie wasn’t there.
You can see why we notice twins, all the time.
That’s why I noticed the senior lady pushing her double in a wheelchair when I was out shopping. That’s why I regularly spot twins when I’m out, usually kids with their parents. I think the senior ladies are the only time I’ve spotted adult twins. However, I have seen more than one video on Facebook showing a young child’s reaction to meeting their parent’s twin. (I so which we had videos of such events in our life.)
I’ve even noticed when people I know had twin grandchildren.
Recently a co-worker and I were talking about multiples. He has multiple sets in his family tree, though in his family it skipped a generation. He was, like so many people, assuming that old wives' tale was true. (Obviously not if you look at our family tree.)
He mentioned all the sets in his family. I believe it was three sets.
Without even knowing all the twins in my family by name, I can come up with that many in one generation on dad’s side of the family, and Bonnie and I are the fifth generation on our mom’s side.
I only mentioned to him that I was a twin too.
He commented that twins are becoming more and more common.
Yes, they are. Now if someone wanted to do an article on twins they could find more than four in two high schools. Look it up. New Trier High School in Winnetka, Illinois has a graduating 2020 class with 44 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets. (twin article)
There are more multiples in the world today. At least one reason for it is fertility treatments. Another reason is health care. I’m sure there are a number of twins today who would not have survived birth 50 years ago. I’m also sure that 50 years ago it was far more common for mothers to lose one baby and still be pregnant. Today they are more likely to be able to save both babies.
Therefore, there are more multiples today than there were even 30 years ago. However, it’s also true having multiples in your family is going to focus you on noticing them more than someone else might.
I see them everywhere and just have to smile when I do.
Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Bad Luck by Bonnie Le Hamilton

Okay, life is hard, but sometimes I feel like someone is picking on me.

This last couple of weeks have been horrible, and Konnie calling me at 10:30 at night didn’t help any.

There I was getting ready for bed and my phone rang! My first thought was it must be important for Konnie to call me this late. I honestly answered expecting her to convey some bad news.

The only bad news was that she hadn’t been looking at her clock, and/or forget that I live in mountain time, not pacific. So here I was yawning and having trouble keeping my eyes open, and Konnie called just to chat.

The second I said hello, she realized how tired I was, and noticed the time. Dang right! I never call anyone after 9 PM and if they have small children, I refrain from calling after 8 PM. Of course, my 9 PM is her 8 PM, but still, she usually doesn’t call me that late unless it's important, so I know she hadn’t been paying attention to the clock.

Too bad that wasn’t the worst thing that happened to me in the past two weeks.

Starting with Patches needing a trip to the vet. He can’t stand the car.

The second it started moving, he started yowling.

He was in his carrier on the front passenger seat, so I kept trying to calm him by running my gloved hand over the mesh and trying to soothe him with my voice. When that didn’t work, I took my glove off and opened the zipper on the door, just a little. Too bad to be enough to get my hand in the carrier, it was also enough for him to wiggle out!

Try driving when you have a cat trying to climb down around your feet!

I know why he was aiming to where my feet were, that’s his favorite spot.

So, I ended up trying to drive while fighting off Patches. At a stoplight, I managed to wrestle him back into his carrier. But that didn’t end the struggle. He was quiet whenever I stopped, but the second my foot hit the gas, he was yowling again. And that was just the trip to the vet!

Ain’t life grand?

Patches needed his ears cleaned and medicated because of ear mites, and I think he hates getting his ears cleaned more than he hates a moving car. I don’t know about the vet’s assistant, but I came away scratched.

Then my plans fell through, then I spent an entire weekend not feeling well, and thinking I’d have to make some phone calls Monday morning. Fortunately, I was feeling better by Monday.

And I thought all the bad stuff was over, I had a pretty good week, and even managed to edit two more chapters on my manuscript Friday afternoon.

Saturday afternoon, I couldn’t open that file! All my changes, eighteen chapters, and I have to start all over with the edits. At least I still have a copy of my editor friend’s critiques, and a copy of my manuscript without all these edits, so at least I don’t have to recreate the whole story, but dang.

And Konnie’s late-night call wasn’t the only problem. Yesterday, while I was doing my work at the book scanning center, my phone kept dinging at me, and who’s texting me?


She forgot that I work at that place on Monday and Tuesday, even though she visited with me for just over a week back in September. Tuesday afternoon I am there.

Then again, a few weeks ago I sent her a text during the day knowing full well she was at work.
It was something I didn’t want to forget to tell her, and I knew she was work, so I sent a text with the information. She instantly, texted back that she was at work. I knew that,, that’s why I sent the text instead of calling.

Okay, I guess it wasn’t bad that she texted me while I was at my “work” since I did the same thing. I just never considered how unnerving that dinging is in an otherwise quiet room.

Everyone knew I wasn’t doing my work; my phone was dinging.

And it was dumb to think anyone would be bothered by it, mostly because I’ve received calls from family while working, and some of my coworkers have too. It isn’t a problem for me.

Then again, Konnie’s job is for pay, and I’m sure she’d get in trouble receiving phone calls during work, which is why I sent that text. I couldn’t wait, because if I did, I’d have forgotten.

But it got worse! I took my glasses off to read the small screen. When I put them back on, a temple broke off from the hinge.

And life goes on.

Happy writing everyone.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Of To Do Lists and Sleeping In by Konnie Enos

I’m lying in bed after yet another trip to the bathroom, trying to get comfortable and looking forward to sleeping in. I know can sleep in for several reasons. I’d reminded my co-workers of my day off yesterday and Jerry about garbage day last night.
It has to be the middle of the night because my husband, who gets up alarmingly early each morning, is still fast asleep and snoring next to me. So I’m wondering why my brain is insisting I need to be awake.
The whole thing leaves me arguing. It is the middle of the night and I have no appointments today or even anything pressing.
True, it is payday, I will need to do some finances, and I’ll need to go to the grocery store later, for which I should write a shopping list. Tony wants to get some more driving practice in. (I’m the designated new driver trainer in this household because Jerry panics worse than I do.) Fortunately, that means he can drive me to the store.
Then there is Royce. He helped me clean and organize my side of the bedroom last Sunday and I promised him a reward. I’m assuming clothes shopping for him will take up part of my day.
Then there is the fact that Jerry and I promised each other we would use my day off for dates. I’m assuming we’re going to try, yet again, to fit it in. Though I’m not sure when or how. Not just because of my schedule but because we have a minor household repair Jerry has to work on, the sooner the better. So far, in two days, all he’s managed is to gather the supplies and tools he needs.
I’m honestly thinking we will not go out because we both already have so much on our plates and our children are bound to come up with something else that desperately needs done. There aren’t enough hours in the day. Although, it isn’t morning yet and there isn’t any reason why I can’t tackle it all after I’ve gotten enough sleep.
However, no amount of telling myself I cannot do any of it until it’s actually morning, as in after the sun comes up, is working.
So instead, as I toss about trying to get comfortable, I’m going over each little thing I know I have to do. No amount of arguing on my part would get my brain to believe it could wait a few more hours.
After several minutes of tossing, and arguing, I finally get myself comfortable. I’m just beginning to feel sleep take back over so I’m telling myself, “See all those things can wait.” Then my brain leveled me with its final argument.
You see there was one vital thing for me to do first thing this morning; something imperative with a set finish time. It couldn’t wait. Worst of all, it was something I had done absolutely no prep work on. None.
That woke me up. I had to finish before the deadline and I knew it could take me a while. Not because it was altogether that time consuming but because it could take me a while to figure out exactly WHAT I was doing and it’d take time to actually do it.
I ended up popping out of bed just as Jerry’s alarm went off. Now we’re both up well before the sun and on our computers.
What was so important to wake me up at that early hour?
I hadn’t written my post yet. Apparently even having today off isn’t helping me have the time to actually write even this short post twice a month. I’m going to have to work on that.
As far as being woke up in the middle of the night by pressing tasks, this one was not stressful or earth shattering. I’m thankful it wasn’t a problem I couldn’t solve or something traumatic or distressing that woke me up.
Now if I can just get my muse to talk to me maybe I can get some other writing done that is if I can fit it in.
Now that I’ve gotten this post written, I’d like to get some more sleep but my alarm has already gone off and now I’m remembering another very important task I still need to do prep work. So much for sleep.
Does anybody else have mornings like this?
Smile. Make the day a brighter day.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Winter Driving by Bonnie Le Hamilton

Last Wednesday morning, like every weekday for the last month or so, I left the house before nine in the morning in order to give a cousin a ride. So, at about five minutes to the hour, when my phone rang, I was driving. I tried giving it to our cousin to answer, but he didn’t know about having to click on the “I’m not driving” button, the call went through to voicemail.

No matter.

I knew it was Konnie before I even glanced at the screen. It was Wednesday after all, and it was her turn to post. Konnie calling made sense.

As soon as I dropped him off, I called Konnie before I got on the road again. We talked, we posted (which I can do from my phone), and I returned home. No problem. No big deal. Pretty routine.

Until a few hours later when an old high school friend posted about roads being closed in southeastern Idaho due to a major storm blowing through. Konnie’s response was, “And my sister was driving in that?”


Talk about showing how different we are!

And I’m not talking about the fact that I live in Idaho and she lives in Vegas, though that has something to do with it. It has to do with several things. Starting with the fact that Konnie learned to drive while she lived in Tennessee. I learned to drive right here in Idaho.

Konnie once went flying off an icy overpass, and now refuses to drive in any amount of snow. As a newlywed, I ended up in a ditch because of icy roads, but that hasn’t put me off driving in this kind of weather. I am cautious but not scared.

Konnie lives where snowfall would be national news. Around here, we can get snowstorms anywhere from October to April. Meaning, you either learn to drive in this stuff, or you head south for seven months out of the year, or like Konnie, permanently.

My final point is, Konnie seems to have forgotten how much further north our old high school friend lives. Southeastern Idaho isn’t a small area, and believe me, Pocatello never gets hit as hard as I.F., Rigby, and Rexburg. All towns at higher elevations and further north than here.

In other words, what our old high school friend was dealing with wasn’t anywhere near as bad as what I was dealing with, not even close.

In fact, said friend’s husband posted a picture of their snow-covered front yard over the weekend when here in Pocatello we were wondering if spring had come early. When I got home from church Sunday my yard was a muddy mess, when I got up Monday morning it was snowing again. Yeah, winter likes to play jokes on us.

And Konnie, it was barely even more than a skiff, so don’t panic, you know I can drive in this stuff!

At any rate, I got a good laugh last Wednesday, and so did our cousin when I told him about Konnie’s panic. We are so different.

Though I’d have to say that we were always very different, probably why I hate all those twins switching places stories. There is just no way. It wouldn’t work.

I would be lost in her world, and frankly couldn’t cope with all her problems, and she would be lost in mine. We couldn’t even manage switching places way back in grade school, because our routines were so different.

The one time we tried that, we were figured out within minutes. Today, it would be seconds, since her family can tell us apart. If Tom were still alive, he could tell us apart too. There is just no fooling them.

And, even if everyone we know didn’t know we’re twins, which they do know, I doubt we could pull one over on them, because well, I couldn’t pick all of Konnie’s friends out of a crowd any more than she could pick all of mine. Someone somewhere would figure it out.

Which is why I find all those twins switching places stories so unbelievable. It just wouldn’t work, not in the real world. All those minute details add up to a ton of chances to be found out.

Anyway, happy writing everyone, and safe driving!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Of Headaches and other Problems by Konnie Enos

Yesterday, I had every intention of coming home from work and getting started on writing this post so I didn’t have to worry about it in the morning. I did not do this. In fact, I completely forgot I had a post to write until I woke up this morning. Why? Because when I got home from work yesterday, I had a pounding, throbbing, nauseating headache. One so bad I actually got some heaves. (My stomach was empty at the time.)
In being so miserable, I wasn’t able to think well enough to remember I had a post to write. Fun.
I had such a bad headache because I got an infection in my right eyelid. I’m treating it, but it’s affecting my vision. As in with glasses, my right eye distance vision is about 20/40 rather than the 20/20 it should be. (These are new glasses.) It affects my reading vision too but not as bad. The doctor I saw Monday said my reading vision is 20/30. None of this would be a problem except, 1) I love to read, and 2) I’m now working full-time and I’m required to read, work on the computer, all day. Not to mention the blurry distance vision is straining my eyes.
This is not even taking into consideration that if I were home, I’d still be attempting to read, be on my computer, most of the day. Although if I were home, I’d be able to nap/rest as needed.
Even with all of this, I did manage a full day of work and running some errands, including a small grocery-shopping trip. (We were completely out of milk, again.) I also managed cooking dinner. By the time it was finished cooking, I was so sick I wasn’t able to eat much, but I did get it cooked.
After managing all that, my head was still throbbing but laying down in a dark room with my eyes closed sure helped ease the pain. Yes, I crashed, and I intended to sleep longer this morning even though I have a very full day ahead of me. I didn’t have to get up at five in order to be to work by seven.
I got up at five. First because my body is used to waking up at that hour. I did curl back in bed after my trip to the bathroom but then I remembered I hadn’t written this post yet.
So I’m up, straining my eyes and wondering how I’m going to get through yet another day like this. More fun.
This may be a day off from my job, but I’m still the MOM. I have errands to run, shopping to do, and bills to pay. Yes, my day off is packed full of stuff to read and do.
Now my headache is threatening to return full force, and I haven’t even had breakfast yet and I need to start those errands, the first of which requires me to drive. Now my doctor said I can see well enough to legally drive, but I know my distance vision is not grand so I don’t intend to be doing much driving today. Thankfully, there are two other licensed drivers in the house and one other person with a learner’s permit. Here’s to hoping I can mostly be the passenger.
Here’s to also hoping this continues to improve so I can go back to all the reading I so enjoy doing without straining my eyes and getting a headache. Maybe when it clears I’ll also be able to work on my writing again.
In the meantime, I hope all of you are doing well.
Smile. Make the day a brighter day.